Refugee claims
Consider applying for refugee status in Canada if you face persecution in your home country.
Canada will protect your wellbeing
For many years, the Canadian refugee program has provided vital support and protection to the individuals who face persecution or life-threatening conditions in their home country.
Individuals seeking protection may apply for Permanent Resident (PR) status as a refugee if they prove that the conditions that forced them to leave their country of origin were a threat to their life and wellbeing.
Not all claimants will qualify to receive protection
There are strict rules regulating refugee claims. Claimants must meet certain criteria set by the Canadian immigration authorities in order to qualify for refugee status. With the process severely regulated in order to adhere to international refugee laws, successfully applying for protection is not an easy thing to do.
In order to qualify, the claimant must show proof of their life being in danger due to persecution or discrimination (both based on certain qualifying factors determined by international refugee laws). The claimant must also prove to have no other opportunity to flee the risk and get protection in their country of origin.
The grounds for persecution is what makes the difference
Determining the grounds for prosecution is what can make or break a refugee case. The claimant has to prove that they were prosecuted for either their race, nationality, religion, or membership in a certain political or social group.
Claimants with a criminal past – specifically, those convicted of serious crimes – are prohibited from filing refugee claims. Additionally, filing a claim and having it denied by the Canadian government makes you ineligible to file for refugee status in Canada ever again.
Refugee claims must be supported by credible proof
The claimant has to provide extensive documentary evidence to support their case. This can include proof of the claimant’s membership in political organizations, copies of their medical reports, police statements, business records, news articles, etc.
Providing genuine and credible proof will greatly increase the claimant’s chances of qualifying for refugee protection. Insufficient or false evidence will not only jeopardize the claim but will eliminate the possibility of re-applying in the future.
You can only apply for refugee status from within Canada
As a rule of thumb, refugee protection can only be claimed from within the country: this means that in order to file a claim, the potential refugee will have to qualify for and obtain a temporary Canadian visa.
All procedures and fees associated with the visa and the subsequent travel to Canada are the claimant’s sole responsibility. Working with an immigration lawyer is highly recommended: having a professional at your disposal will greatly increase the probability of the plan running smoothly,
There are cases when claimants may file for refugee status from outside of Canada, but these are extremely limited, complicated, and require financial support from a Canadian citizen.
Additional requirements for refugee claims
Additional requirements that claimants have to meet in order to qualify for protection include the following:
- Demonstrating that the threat the claimant is facing is not generalized (i.e., the threat applies only to the claimant).
- Being unable to freely relocate to another country in order to avoid the threat.
If all aforementioned requirements are met and the claimant’s eligibility is determined, they can continue with their case and place the claim with the Canadian immigration authorities.
Have you met the requirements? We will support your case
Once you believe that you have met all of the requirements for a refugee claim, contact us for help in assessing your case.
Warning! We do not purport false “refugee stories”. Consider other ways of immigrating to Canada if you are not a genuine refugee.